Sup guys! Well I've decided to keep going with my Path of Exile series and focus on Theorycrafting, which is the aspect of the game that I really enjoy and the shinning part of Path of Exile that really sets it apart from other games in the genre. I made a short video showcasing one of the first characters I really stuck with and got to level 75 with. He is a lightning strike templar, but with a twist.
So here is the thing. I died like a noob on the video. I will blame it on not being focused because I was trying to narrate, but honestly, it made me realize I NEED more health. This is one of the pitfalls that many people fall into in theorycrafting their characters, they get enough health to get through most things, but don't give themselves enough of a buffer to withstand the really harrowing situations. That is what you should be speccing for. The normal and magic mobs should be nothing more then jungle vines under the might machete that is your build. They should be nothing. I realized this and had another look at my build and realized that the crit that I talked about having was not doing me any favors, so I specced out of it and got the 3 life and armor nodes in the marauder tree as well as bloodless with gives 8% max health and makes it so enemies cannot leech life, which isn't really a big deal, but 8% is definitely nice. Here is the build
So the point of the video from the get go was to show the beginnings of my foray into theorycrafting and that you will learn things as you progress your character and to let that inform your build. I looked at tons of Lightning strike builds and they all had different ideas about what to focus on although, I think the most popular and probably most successful is the one that uses staves and goes to the shadow tree to get 30% lightning damage with weapons and was mostly crit based. However, I started with an idea "I want to make a Templar that uses maces and does lightning strike." Suddenly, Galvanic Hammer jumped out at me, hence why the build is named Galvanic Hammer of Doom, so the build evolved to not only be about lightning damage, but having high elemental and physical damage and using abilities and gems that use the high physical damage to turn into elemental damage. The problem however, that I am seeing and want to fix having already released the video to the world is that the crit isn't doing me any favors, I might as well get Resolute Technique and never crit and use the rest of the points from accuracy nodes to put into life and armor. I just have to get enough Regret Orbs and I am suddenly wishing I hadn't sold them for an exalted T_T. Anyway, this is the new series, sort of a light hearted talk about theorycrafting and stuff I have learned along the way. Nothing super hardcore about it, hope you guys enjoy. Thanks for watching.
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